Nomura Asset Management believes in relative value investing. We determine fundamental values and place them in proper relative context against market values and historical values, at every level of analysis.
While markets are inefficient and discrepancies exist in the short-run, we believe that prices in the long-run ultimately reflect fundamental values. We seek to identify undervalued securities that will benefit from the upside correction between the market's short-term inefficiency and long-term efficiency.
Our ability to provide clients with consistent long-term results, while controlling risk simultaneously, is directly tied with the implementation of our philosophy that emphasizes:
Discipline Improves Consistency
Consistent performance depends on strict adherence to a time-tested, disciplined investment process. We have found that by consistently applying our process, we will be successful in achieving our goals, regardless of market conditions.
The Value of Fundamental Research
We emphasize the undertaking of original research. It is here that we believe we can add value by taking maximum advantage of our global reach, our team of experienced investment professionals, and our unique insights into companies and economies.
Taking a Long-Term Perspective
We adopt a long-term horizon when investing. This extended view not only allows clients to realize the benefits of our investment strategies, but it also enables our investment professionals to avoid the temptations of market timing, fad investing, and other high-risk practices.